Collectifs amis
الأصدقاء الجماعية
Here is a list of other collectives, associations that you might want to join or that can provide you some help, to resume your studies but also for other problems.
In the Paris Region
L'Union des Étudiants Exilés (UEE)
UEE is a group of Foreign students that joined hands to represent exiled students in French universities and to fight for their rights to study.
In Lille
In Lyon
Collectifs amis
الأصدقاء الجماعية
Here is a list of other collectives, associations that you might want to join or that can provide you some help, to resume your studies but also for other problems.
In the Paris Region
L'Union des Étudiants Exilés (UEE)
UEE is a group of Foreign students that joined hands to represent exiled students in French universities and to fight for their rights to study.
In Lille
In Lyon